Archive Letters: 2022-2023
- End of term (Jul 2023)
- Continued industrial action July (Jun 2023)
- End of term - Sep return arrangements
- Parental tours (Jun 2023)
- School uniform reminder (May 2023)
- Non uniform day Jenny Lind (May 2023)
- RSHE consultation (May 2023)
- Ofsted Inspection (May 2023)
- Ofsted guide for parents (May 2023)
- Battery collection scheme (May 2023)
- K9 deployment visit (Apr 2023)
- Continued industrial action (Apr 2023)
- Spring update (Mar 2023)
- School uniform (Mar 2023)
- Easter vaccination clinics (Mar 2023)
- Non uniform day Y11 prom (Mar 2023)
- RAGFest Colour Run (Mar 2023)
- Y7-Y11 parent/carer questionnaire (Feb 2023)
- Non uniform day RAGFest 2023 (Feb 2023)
- Industrial action March 2023 (Feb 2023)
- Behaviour (Feb 2023)
- RAGFest Movie Night (Feb 2023)
- RAGFest Bake Off (Feb 2023)
- RAGFest 2023 (Jan 2023)
- Industrial action 01-02-23 (Jan 2023)
- Chinese New Year menu (Jan 2023)
- Parental consultation (Jan 2023)
- Pupil Premum (Jan 2023)
- Food Bank (Jan 2023)
- Bystander intervention programme (Jan 2023)
- Christmas letter (Dec 2022)
- PE fixtures (Dec 2022)
- End of term arrangements (Nov 2022)
- K9 deployment (Nov 2022)
- Non uniform day - Children in Need (Nov 2022)
- Christmas Craft Fair (Nov 2022)
- Non uniform day - wear red (Oct 2022)
- Y7-Y11 instrumental lessons (Sep 2022)
- Attendance at school and legal intervention (Sep 2022)
Parent Trustee Vacancy
- Parent Trustee vacancy (Oct 2022)
- Parent Trustee nomination and election procedure
- Parent Trustee code of conduct
- Parent Trustee election form
Aachen December 2022
- Aachen presentation (Nov 2022)
- Aachen payment 3 (Nov 2022)
- Aachen expectations (Oct 2022)
- Aachen payment 2 (Oct 2022)
- Aachen payment 1 (Sep 2022)
Morocco March 2023
YEARS 7, 8 & 9 (KS3)
- KS3 RAGFest Disco (Feb 2023)
- Y9 options (Jan 2023)
- Y9 Hautbois (Jan 2023)
- KS3 influenza immunisation (Dec 2022)
- KS3 tracking point 1 (Dec 2022)
- Y7 ingredients (Nov 2022)
- Y8/Y9 ingredients Nov 2022)
- Y8/Y9 poetry workshop (Nov 2022)
- Y7 poetry workshop (Nov 2022)
- Y8 HPV vaccinations (Nov 2022)
- Y9-Y10 trip to Provence 2023 (Oct 2022)
- Y7 Taverham library visit (Sep 2022)
- Y7 settling in (Sep 2022)
YEARS 10 & 11 (KS4)
- Y11 collection of results (Jul 2023)
- Y10 A-level taster day (Jun 2023)
- Y11 arrangements (May 2023)
- Y11 revision sessions (Mar 2023)
- Y11 revision evening (Feb 2023)
- Y11 prom update (Feb 2023)
- Y11 group/individual photos (Feb 2023)
- Y11 exam contingency days (Jan 2023)
- Y11 hoodies (Jan 2023)
- Y10 tracking point 1 (Dec 2022)
- Y11 prom arrangements (Nov 2022)
- Y10/Y11 science revision guides (Nov 2022)
- Y11 Poetry Live (Nov 2022)
- Y10/Y11 poetry workshop (Nov 2022)
- Y11 parents evening (Nov 2022)
- Y11 Healthy Relationships (Oct 2022)
- Y11 autumn mock timetable (Oct 2022)
- Y9-Y10 trip to Provence 2023 (Oct 2022)
- Y10/Y11 DT revision guide (Sep 2022)
- Y11 sixth form evening (Sep 2022)
YEARS 12 & 13 (KS5)
- Y12 Pathways Day (Jul 2023)
- Y12 Y13 collection of results (Jul 2023)
- Y12 Banham Zoo (Jun 2023)
- Y12 UCAS Discovery exhibition (May 2023)
- Y13 study leave (May 2023)
- Y13 prom (Apr 2023)
- Y13 revision sessions (Mar 2023)
- Y12 parents' evening (Mar 2023)
- Y13 revision evening (Mar 2023)
- Y13 group photograph (Feb 2023)
- Y12-Y13 industrial action 01-02-23 (Jan 2023)
- Y13 exam contingency days (Jan 2023)
- Y12 work experience (Jan 2023)
- Y12 work experience presentation (Jan 2023)
- Y12 tracking point 1 (Dec 2022)
- Y12 Y13 trip to London (Nov 2022)
- Y13 parents' evening (Oct 2022)
- Y12 UEA (Sep 2022)
- Y13 UEA (Sep 2022)
- Y12 welcome evening (Sep 2022)