SEND Information
At Taverham High School we view all of our learners as individuals, each with their own profile of strengths and challenges.
Most learners will at times experience difficulties in their learning or emotional development that with support from their family and teachers are resolved. For some, more or long-term support is needed that is additional to, or different from that, usually offered in school. This support is planned by the SEN Team using a coordinated approach that involves the learner with their family and other professions or services known to them.
We have a skilled and dedicated SEN team of teachers and learning support assistants to provide support in classroom, small group and individual situations. This includes intervention and teaching for a personalised experience of SEN support.
SEN Support is recognised as an integral part of school life for each learner with SEN. We work hard together as a school to ensure we offer the best that we can.
Our SEN Policy and Information report can be found by following the link below:
SEN Policy and Information report
You can find Norfolk County Council's SEND Local Offer by clicking the following link:
SEND Local Offer - Norfolk County Council