

School uniform, both new and old, can be purchased online through YourSchoolUniform

YourSchoolUniform ordering guide

The old school uniform and PE kit can also be purchased from Stevensons: Stevensons uniform leaflet

Wearing incorrect uniform is set out in the school’s behaviour policy as a barrier to learning. For all uniform misdemeanours, students will lose social time until the misdemeanour is corrected. By ensuring the standards of uniform are upheld across the school we hope our students will develop pride in all they do which will maximise their progress throughout their time at the school.

From September 2024

Compulsory for Years 7 to 9. Students in Years 10 to 11 who wish to wear the new uniform must wear all the new uniform and not 'mix and match' with the old uniform.

All articles of clothing should be clearly marked with the owner's name. If found, named items can be returned to their owner.

Main uniform - new
Blazer Royal blue with red braid and school logo
Shirt White, collared; tucked in with top button fastened; short or long sleeved
Tie House colour; worn at an appropriate length (T & A = red/Mars; V & E = yellow/Jupiter; R & H = blue/Neptune; M & S = green/Earth
Skirt Black with school logo; at least knee length
Trousers Black, straight leg (boys and girls optional); cannot be skinny fit, leggings or jean design
Shorts Black, tailored; at least knee length (boys and girls optional)
Socks/Tights White or black
Jumper Black, V-neck with school logo; black V-neck not sweatshirt material (optional item)
Cardigan Black, not sweatshirt material (optional item)
Shoes Plain black, flat; cannot be canvas material or have a logo; they must be fit for purpose and provide secure footing whatever the surface or activity
  • Skirts must be at least knee length
  • Trousers cannot be jeans, leggings or canvas type material
  • Any coat that is worn should not bear offensive or derogatory writing or images
  • Shoes cannot be canvas, suede or nubuck
  • Non-school ‘hoodies’ are not permitted in school and will not be considered as an alternative to a coat
PE Kit
Sweatshirt Navy, embroidered with school logo
Polo shirt Navy with royal blue panel, embroidered with school logo
Shorts/Skort Navy with royal blue panel; embroidered with school logo
Leggings Navy, embroidered with school logo or plain navy, thick material sports style type
Tracksuit bottoms Navy, embroidered with school logo or plain navy
Socks Royal blue
Trainers Ensure they offer suitable grip and support; Converse are not PE trainers
Main uniform - old - Years 10 and 11
Polo shirt Light blue, embroidered with school logo
Sweatshirt Light grey, embroidered with school logo
Cardigan Light grey, embroidered with school logo
Skirt Black, at least knee length
Trousers Black, straight leg (boys and girls optional); cannot be skinny fit, leggings or jean design
Shorts Black, tailored; at least knee length (boys and girls optional)
Shoes Plain black, flat; cannot be canvas material or have a logo; they must be fit for purpose and provide secure footing whatever the surface or activity
  • As stated above ensure footwear is fit for purpose and provides secure footing for whatever the surface or activity
  • We strongly recommend the use of studded boots for football and rugby
  • The PE department highly recommends the use of studded boots and shin pads for football lessons and the use of gum shields and shin pads in hockey lessons. During rugby lessons studded boots are highly recommended and gum shields are compulsory in all contact situations.

The following equipment is compulsory for all fixtures in the following sports without exception:

  • football: studded boots and shin pads
  • rugby: studded boots and gum shields
  • hockey: gum shields and shin pads. Goalkeeping kit/equipment must be worn by hockey goalkeepers
  • cricket: cricket helmets and a box must be worn by all batsmen and wicket keepers

Note: for PE lessons during the winter months, students have the option to wear either the leggings or tracksuit bottoms with the school logo or plain tracksuit bottoms and the school PE sweatshirts to keep warm. When weather forecasts give warning of hot, sunny weather, it is advisable for students to use sun cream and they may wear caps during suitable outdoor lessons. Please be advised that in certain weather conditions as well as certain sports that kit may get wet and muddy. 


The following items are acceptable in school:

  • stud piercings
  • discreet, natural make-up including discreet use of eye lashes
  • hairstyles should not be extreme of fashion
  • natural length nails without points or sharp corners