Local Governing Board

Our Governors

The Local Governing Board is a committee of Enrich Learning Trust.

Enrich Learning Trust is a collaborative group of school communities, formally partnering each other in a Multi Academy Trust.  The Trust is based in Norfolk and supports a family of nine schools and 1,000 staff who collaborate, develop and innovate to offer the very best education to the 7,000 pupils entrusted to our care.

Enrich Learning Trust schools are united in our vision for education in the community we serve.  At our heart is a commitment to every child and young person that ensures:

  •             the best possible educational experience for all pupils
  •             a culture of high aspiration
  •             an environment where each pupil is nurtured and can develop their full potential
  •             an emphasis on continuity of learning across all ages
  •             the celebration of the diversity and uniqueness of each individual’s skills and abilities
  •             a climate which harnesses enthusiasm and makes learning enjoyable
  •             the well-being of the whole child: socially, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. 

Enrich Learning Trust encourages cultural diversity, celebrates the special qualities of each of our schools and recognises that for communities to become sustainable, they must develop and grow.

In exercising our functions, the Local Governing Board shall:

  •        act with integrity, objectivity and honesty in the best interests of the academy.
  •        be open about the decisions they make and the actions they take and be prepared to explain their decisions and
           actions to interested persons.
  •        abide by the Nolan Principles of Public Life.

Strategic Function of the Local Governing Board 

The strategic role of the Local Governing Board is to provide the local context, challenge and support to the Headteacher, ensuring the very best local offer is given to each academy.  The Local Governing Board also has a role in influencing and communicating with the Trustees on the strategic vision of the Trust going forward.

The specific powers and roles delegated by the Trustees to the Local Governing Boards are set out in the Trust’s Scheme of Delegation. Please follow this link to view: Scheme of Delegation.

The Local Governing Board is responsible for establishing a strategic framework for Taverham High School by:

  •            setting the vision, ethos, aims and objectives for the academy.
  •            reviewing and setting statutory policies for achieving those aims and objectives (as detailed in the Trust’s
               Strategic Planner).
  •            maintaining the Academy Improvement Plan (AIP).
  •            holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the academy and its pupils and the
               performance management of staff.
  •            overseeing the financial performance of the academy and making sure it is money well spent

The Local Governing Board monitors and evaluates progress in the academy towards achievement of the aims and objectives set and regularly reviews the strategic framework for the academy in the light of that progress.

In exercising the functions above, the Local Governing Board:

  •          ensures the academy meets all statutory requirements
  •          (Subject to any other statutory provision) complies with any trust deed relating to the academy
  •          considers any advice given by the Headteacher.

Composition of our Local Governing Board

The governors of Taverham High School are all volunteers who care about children’s education and are proud to serve the school community.  The Local Governing Board consists of people drawn from the local and wider community, including staff and parents, who have a wide variety of skills, professional qualifications and experience from business, the public sector and across the sphere of education.

There are usually 9 positions on the Local Governing Board consisting of:

Three elected Parent Governors
Two Staff Governors (one position for Headteacher)
Four Trust Appointed Governors (parents can hold these positions based on skills, subject to Trust agreement and approval).

Appointment of Governors

Parent Governors are elected by the parent body of the academy. 

Staff Governors are elected by the staff body of the academy. 

Trust Board Governors are nominated and appointed by the Trustees.

Term of Office

The usual term of office for all Governors will be four years except the Headteacher who will serve as an ex-officio Governor for as long as (s)he remains in office. 

Our Governors are:

Mrs Susan Byles    Chair

Mr Callum Perry    Vice Chair

Mr Gareth Yassin   Headteacher

Mr Matthew Lambert

Mr Gary Martin

Mrs Sophie Oglesby

Mrs Markella Papageorgiou

Mr Richard Sage

Mrs June Sewell

Mr Dale Timbers

Contacting us

Governors are always keen to hear the views of members of our community including parents and pupils. The Chair of the Local Governing Board, Susan Byles, can be contacted through: governors@taverhamhigh.org


Mrs S Byles 

vice chair

Mr C Perry 

parent governors

Mr M Lambert

Ms S Oglesby

staff members

Mr G Yassin

Mr D Timbers


Mr D Timbers

Ms M Papageorgiou 

Mr G Martin

Mr R Sage

Ms J Sewell


Mr C Perry-Yates