MFL: French, German, Spanish

Year 7

In Year 7, students will study one language - either French, German, or Spanish. In this first year we provide students with the basic foundations for their language studies and aim to capture and strengthen their interest in foreign languages. Topics covered include basic greetings and introductions, family, pets and house and home.

Year 8

In Year 8 we encourage students to build on the vocabulary and basic grammar concepts introduced in Year 7 and in particular promote increased use of the target language in lessons. We ensure that students are able to communicate effectively and accurately and begin to introduce a range of tenses. Reading and listening comprehension skills are also developed throughout each topic. Topics covered include school, free time, local area and weather.

Year 9

In Year 9 students focus on one of the two languages that they studied in Years 7 and 8. This means we have more lesson time to build on the listening, speaking, reading and writing skills covered in Year 8 and continue to build on their grammatical knowledge. Students have the opportunity to learn a variety of more complex structures and are encouraged to use the language independently in both spoken and written form. Assessments in listening, reading, speaking and writing are designed to prepare students for the GCSE. Topics covered include social media, sport and fitness, jobs and careers, holidays, shopping, daily routine and healthy living.

GCSE French / German / Spanish
Why study languages?
It has recently been estimated that 75% of the world’s population do not speak English, therefore it is important for businesses to employ staff who can speak more than one language. You will be more employable and your salary can go up around 20% if you demonstrate that you have enhanced communication skills. This also makes it much easier to work abroad and also communicate with local people whilst on holiday. During Years 10 and 11, you also find out lots about the countries and cultures where foreign languages are spoken.
What areas would you study?
The course is designed to improve the four key areas of language learning: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Whilst developing these skills, you will study a wide range of topics, including family, technology, free-time activities, where you live, health, the environment, education and future plans. Within these topic areas, you will learn how to express and give reasons for your opinions. You will also learn how to talk and write about past events, current situations and future plans.
How do you learn?
Languages at KS4 build on what you have learnt already in Years 7, 8 and 9. Classes are fun and interactive and you cover things at a quicker pace which leads to rapid improvements in your ability. You will make spoken and written presentations using a range of multimedia resources, as well as learning through other methods, such as interactive online activities. You will also analyse real-life material in the foreign language you are studying.
How are you assessed?
You will have a listening, reading, writing and a speaking exam at the end of Year 11. There are two tiers, foundation and higher and each exam is 25% of your overall GCSE grade.
Where will this take me post-16?
Languages at GCSE not only allow, but also prepare, students to follow A-level courses at post-16. Languages can be studied at university to degree level, either on their own or alongside nearly any other subject, allowing you to specialise exactly where your personal interests lie. As well as the more traditional jobs which require you to speak a foreign language, such as interpreting, translating or teaching, there are many other jobs which require people to speak more than one language, such as secretaries working for international businesses or salespeople.
A-Level French / German / Spanish

Examination Board AQA

Course Summary

For what kind of student is this course suitable?

This course would appeal to those interested in language and communication; business; literature, media; other cultures and ways of life; travel; journalism; international affairs

Course summary

What will I learn on this A-level course?

You will learn to communicate at a higher level but you will also learn much more about a wide range of aspects of society. The topics studied include:

  • current trends; the changing nature of the family; the ‘cyber-society’; the place of voluntary work
  • current issues; positive features of a diverse society; life for the marginalised; how criminals are treated.
  • artistic culture including music and cinema
  • aspects of political life; teenagers and the right to vote; demonstrations and strikes; politics and immigration
  • literary texts and film
  • individual research project

As with GCSE you will be expected to demonstrate your linguistic ability in all four skills areas:


You will need to understand and extract information from written passages in the target language that are taken from authentic sources, such as magazines and newspapers, online articles, reports or books. You will also be expected to translate to/from English and the target language. 


You will need to be able to listen to and understand contemporary spoken language and answer questions on what you have heard. The passages that you will learn to listen to will be taken from a range of sources such as news reports on the radio or TV.

Speaking and Writing

You will need to be able to structure and write essays or extended texts and hold conversations and discussions so that you can present information, organise your arguments, provide opinions and analyse your ideas.

Careers and Progression

Having a language at A-level will certainly improve your employability, in particular with companies which have international branches. There is also the opportunity to work or study in the country of your target language. There are career opportunities in journalism, law, banking and finance, teaching, translating, interpreting and leisure.

Entrance Requirements

Minimum requirement: 6 GCSEs Grades 9-4 (or equivalent), including English language and mathematics; Grade 5 (higher tier) in the language being studied

We have taken language students to Paris for three days. Activities included going to the top of the Montparnasse tower to see the beautiful views of Paris and a trip on the river Seine on a bateau-mouche.  A highlight for the students was a day in Disneyland and they even stayed in the evening for the fantastic light and firework show. 

The Language Leader scheme is a fantastic way for pupils who study GCSE to obtain more experience in using their languages. Students who take part in the scheme are able to develop their leadership skills in many different ways and often organise and lead language-based activities for other students to take part in. Examples of recent activities include visiting local primary schools and setting up a French café as well as delivering Christmas-themed activities to Year 7 pupils.