Who To Contact?
Please use the information below to contact the school with any questions or concerns that you may have:
Main Reception: 01603 860505 or 01603 264330
Email: office@taverhamhigh.org
Address: Beech Avenue, Taverham, Norwich NR8 6HP
Who should I contact?
If there are any queries with regards to a lesson then, in the first instance, contact the class teacher. If the query is linked to anything outside lessons or of a pastoral matter then, in the first instance, contact your child’s form tutor.
How long should I wait for a response?
Staff can have full teaching days and as such our agreed response time is 72 hours. During particularly busy times this may simply be to acknowledge receipt of an email, stating when the member of staff will respond.
Should you not hear from the member of staff within 72 hours then please contact the appropriate Head of Department or Head of Year.
Post | Name | |
Headteacher | Mr G Yassin | head@taverhamhigh.org |
Headteacher's PA | Mrs C Ross | c_ross@taverhamhigh.org |
Deputy Headteacher (Behaviour and Safety) | Ms R Ricketts | r_ricketts@taverhamhigh.org |
Assistant Headteacher (Curriculum, Assessment and Data) | Miss J Webb | j.webb@taverhamhigh.org |
Assistant Headteacher (Teaching and Learning) | Mr D Hyett | d_hyett@taverhamhigh.org |
Assistant Headteacher (Personal Development, Equality & Diversity) | Mr J Day | jr.day@taverhamhigh.org |
Assistant Headteacher (Learning Behaviours, Rewards and Culture) | Mrs T Gardiner | t.gardiner@taverhamhigh.org |
Head of Sixth Form | Mrs L Robertson | l_robertson@taverhamhigh.org |
Senior Operations Manager | Miss J Turley | j.turley@taverhamhigh.org |
Chair of Trustees | Mrs S Byles | governors@taverhamhigh.org |
Pastoral Support
Post | Name | |
Behaviour Lead | Mr S Blowers | s_blowers@taverhamhigh.org |
SENCo | Ms R Dixon | r_dixon@taverhamhigh.org |
Attendance Officer | Mrs S Dalgleish | s.dalgleish@taverhamhigh.org |
Head of Year 7 | Miss T Gardiner | t.gardiner@taverhamhigh.org |
Head of Year 8 | Miss R Andrews | r.andrews@taverhamhigh.org |
Head of Year 9 | Ms V Phillips | v.phillips@taverhamhigh.org |
Head of Year 10 | Miss M Rowe | m.rowe@taverhamhigh.org |
Head of Year 11 | Miss D Birkin | d.birkin@taverhamhigh.org |
All Teaching Staff
Post | Name | |
Head of Art | Miss K Daniels | k.daniels@taverhamhigh.org |
Art Teacher | Mrs S Adams | s.adams1@taverhamhigh.org |
Art Teacher | Miss C Johnstone | c.johnstone@taverhamhigh.org |
Art Teacher | Mrs F Rapley | f_rapley@taverhamhigh.org |
Head of Business & Economics | Mrs H Leary | h.leary@taverhamhigh.org |
Business Teacher | Mr R Mayet | r.mayet@taverhamhigh.org |
Classics Teacher | Mrs S Barker | s_barker@taverhamhigh.org |
Computer Science Teacher | Mr S Horrobin | s.horrobin@taverhamhigh.org |
Head of Computer Science | Mrs D Moore | d.moore@taverhamhigh.org |
Head of Creative Arts & Technical Studies | Mr J Eastick | j_eastick@taverhamhigh.org |
Head of Design & Technology | Mr W Housden | w_housden@taverhamhigh.org |
Design & Technology Teacher | Miss E Butler | e.butler@taverhamhigh.org |
Design & Technology Teacher | Mr J Appleby | j.appleby@taverhamhigh.org |
Food & Textiles Teacher | Mrs N Shirinian | n.shirinian@taverhamhigh.org |
Head of Drama | Mrs K Cornish | k_cornish@taverhamhigh.org |
Head of English | Miss C Greenacre | c.greenacre@taverhamhigh.org |
English Teacher | Miss T Gardiner | t.gardiner@taverhamhigh.org |
English Teacher | Mrs D Edwards | d.edwards@taverhamhigh.org |
English Teacher | Miss J Webb | j.webb@taverhamhigh.org |
English Teacher | Miss F Hague | f.hague@taverhamhigh.org |
English Teacher/KS3 Lead | Miss D Harnden | d.harnden@taverhamhigh.org |
English Teacher/KS4 Lead | Miss M Hollis | m.hollis@taverhamhigh.org |
English Teacher/KS5 Lead | Mrs N Kalsi | n.kalsi@taverhamhigh.org |
English Teacher | Mrs G Higgins | g.higgins@taverhamhigh.org |
English Teacher | Miss V Richmond | v.richmond@taverhamhigh.org |
English Teacher | Ms R Ricketts | r_ricketts@taverhamhigh.org |
Head of Geography | Miss R Gaylor | r_gaylor@taverhamhigh.org |
Head of Historical & Global Studies | Mr K Cromwell | k.cromwell@taverhamhigh.org |
Geography Teacher | Mr G Barrett | g.barrett@taverhamhigh.org |
Head of History | Mr J Williams | j_williams@taverhamhigh.org |
History Teacher | Mr S Derrick | s_derrick@taverhamhigh.org |
History Teacher | Mr J Linnell | j.linnell@taverhamhigh.org |
History Teacher | Mrs M Richardson | m_richardson@taverhamhigh.org |
History Teacher | Mr C Weight | c.weight@taverhamhigh.org |
Head of Maths | Mr J Gerrard | j_gerrard@taverhamhigh.org |
Head of KS4 Maths | Mr B Robinson | b_robinson@taverhamhigh.org |
Maths Teacher | Mr J Scoggins | j.scoggins@taverhamhigh.org |
Deputy Lead for Maths | Mrs H Crane | h.crane@taverhamhigh.org |
Maths Teacher | Mrs J Grigg | j_grigg@taverhamhigh.org |
Maths Teacher | Miss E Yaghil | e_yaghil@taverhamhigh.org |
Maths Teacher | Mrs N Greer | n_greer@taverhamhigh.org |
Head of MFL | Mrs L Smith | l_curran@taverhamhigh.org |
MFL Teacher | Mrs S Browne | s.browne@taverhamhigh.org |
MFL Teacher | Ms C Gillham | c.gillham@taverhamhigh.org |
MFL Teacher | Mrs L Harries | l.harries@taverhamhigh.org |
MFL Teacher | Miss I Havunen | i_havunen@taverhamhigh.org |
MFL Teacher | Ms R Turner | r_turner@taverhamhigh.org |
MFL Teacher | Miss M Chen | m.chen@taverhamhigh.org |
Head of Music | Mr D Timbers | d_timbers@taverhamhigh.org |
Music Teacher | Miss H Norman | h.norman@taverhamhigh.org |
Head of PE | Mr K Edmunds | k.edmunds@taverhamhigh.org |
Deputy Head of PE | Mrs S Church | s_church@taverhamhigh.org |
PE Teacher | Miss D Birkin | d.birkin@taverhamhigh.org |
PE Teacher | Mr S Blowers | s_blowers@taverhamhigh.org |
PE Teacher | Mrs C Burgess | c_burgess@taverhamhigh.org |
PE Teacher | Mr D Taylor | d_taylor@taverhamhigh.org |
PE Teacher | Mr J Day | jr.day@taverhamhigh.org |
PE & History Teacher | Mr S Derrick | s_derrick@taverhamhigh.org |
PE & RS Teacher | Miss O Greenway | o_greenway@taverhamhigh.org |
PE Teacher | Mr D Hyett | d_hyett@taverhamhigh.org |
Head of Science | Mr M Hart | m.hart@taverhamhigh.org |
Head of Biology | Mrs K Kinsley | k_kinsley@taverhamhigh.org |
Head of Chemistry | Mr P Large | p_large@taverhamhigh.org |
Head of Physics | Mrs C Hart | c.hart@taverhamhigh.org |
Science Teacher | Mr C Cameron | c.cameron@taverhamhigh.org |
Science Teacher | Mr J Frankham | j.frankham@taverhamhigh.org |
Science Teacher | Dr V Frost | v.frost@taverhamhigh.org |
Science Teacher | Mr S Hammerton | s.hammerton@taverhamhigh.org |
Science Teacher | Miss J Neale | j_neale@taverhamhigh.org |
Science Teacher | Mrs C Merryweather | c.merryweather@taverhamhigh.org |
Head of Social Sciences | Miss R Green | r_green@taverhamhigh.org |
Teacher of H&SC, Drama, Religious Studies | Miss R Andrews | r.andrews@taverhamhigh.org |
Philosophy Teacher | Miss V Philips | v.phillips@taverhamhigh.org |
Psychology Teacher | Miss H Reding | h_reding@taverhamhigh.org |
Psychology & Religious Studies Teacher | Miss C Crossley | c.crossley@taverhamhigh.org |