The role of a Library Leader is to support the aims of the library in school; in doing so they are making a valuable contribution to the life of the school. The Library Leaders help to develop the library and the services it offers, making a difference to other students’ learning. They help the library staff to provide the best library service they can. The Library Leaders act as a role model for other students. Whilst being a Library Leader students develop their communication and problem-solving skills, learning to work well with others as a team. Becoming a Library Leader is a position of responsibility within school, requiring independence and quick thinking. Students must write to the school librarian stating why they wish to become a Library Leader. All students are then offered the opportunity to take on the role.
Students follow a training programme (Pupil Librarian Toolkit) created by The School Library Association, increasing and practicing skills while earning Awards. Leaders have a duty rota for putting these skills into practice. Â
Although not officially part of the Leadership Scheme, our ELFS plays a crucial role in our Pastoral Support. The ELF team is a group of Year 10 peer support students who are selected and trained to listen. The role of the ELF is to support, listen and encourage positive relationships and social interactions within school. They are easily identified by their green hoodie or identity badge. ELF students are available when they are on duty at break and lunchtimes. The ELFs also work closely with the Year 7s and are involved on the new intake day. They are allocated to a form in Year 7 and spend at least one tutor time per week supporting the form tutor and students.