Archive Letters 2023-2024
Whole School
End of Year (Jul 2024)End of school arrangements (Jul 2024)Shakespeare Festival (Jul 2024)Local Authority funding (Jul 2024)Non uniform day (Jun 2024)Sports Day (Jun 2024)Appointment of Headteacher (May 2024)K9 deployment (Apr 2024)School day timings during exams (Apr 2024)Non uniform day (Apr 2024)Colour Run 2024 (Mar 2024)Non uniform day (Mar 2024)World Book Day (Feb 2024)Bake Off 2024 (Feb 2024)RAGFest 2024 (Feb 2024)Music concert (Feb 2024)Internet safety day (Feb 2024)Chicken pox-measles notification (Feb 2024)Christmas letter (Dec 2023)End of term arrangements (Nov 2023)Free newspaper (Nov 2023)Christmas lunch (Nov 2023)Non uniform day (Nov 2023)Half term multi racquet sports daysK9 deployment (Oct 2023)Take10ToRead (Oct 2023)Open Evening (Sep 2023)September return arrangements (Jun 2023)
Years 7, 8 & 9 (KS3)
Y7 end of year (Jul 2024)Y8 end of year (Jul 2024)Y9 end of year (Jul 2024)Y9 head of year (Jun 2024)Y7 maths (Jun 2024)Y8 STEM sessions (Jun 2024)Y8 language options (May 2024)KS3 disco (Feb 2024)Y9 Options Evening (Jan 2024)KS3 RSHE (Dec 2023)KS3 academic report 1 (Dec 2023)Y7 Taverham Library (Oct 2023)Y7 TikTok issue (Sep 2023)Y7 Satchel One (Sep 2023)Y7 PE information (Sep 2023)Y9 Grooming and CSE (Sep 2023)Y8 Drugs and the Law (Sep 2023)Y7 PE kit (Sep 2023)Y9 Art contribution (Sep 2023)Y8 Art contribution (Sep 2023)Y7 online safety awareness (Sep 2023)Y7 DT contributions (Sep 2023)Y8 Y9 DT contributions (Sep 2023)
YEARS 10 & 11 (KS4)
Y11 prom photos (Jul 2024)Y10 end of year (Jul 2024)Y11 results collection (Jul 2024)Y10 mock exams (Jun 2024)Y11 exam information (Apr 2024)Y11 prom (Mar 2024)Y11 Easter revision sessions (Mar 2024)Y11 summer exams (Mar 2024)Y10 Festival of Knowledge (Feb 2024)Y11 English mock exams (Feb 2024)Y11 leavers hoody (Jan 2024)KS4 RSHE (Dec 2023)Y10 academic report 1 (Dec 2023)Y11 exam contingency days (Dec 2023)Y11 mock GCSE results (Nov 2023)Y11 sixth form open evening (Sep 2023)Y11 Next Steps evening (Sep 2023)Y10 Abuse in Relationships (Sep 2023)Y10 Information evening (Sep 2023)
Years 12 & 13 (KS5)
Summer 2024 results collection (Jul 2024)Y12 Pathways Day (Jul 2024)Y12 UCAS Discovery Exhibition (May 2024)Y13 prom (Mar 2024)Y13 study leave arrangements (Mar 2024)Y13 Easter revision sessions (Mar 2024)Y13 summer exams (Mar 2024)Y12 work experience and Y12 work experience assembly (Jan 2024)Y12 tracking report 1 (Dec 2023)Y13 exam contingency days (Dec 2023)Y13 parents' evening (Oct 2023)Y12 Welcome Evening (Sep 2023)