Letters 2024-2025 Featured Content Child EmploymentOnline Safety at HomeNHS ServicesHelp with Living Costs THS Newsletter THS Newsletter Issue 1 - 13/09/2024THS Newsletter Issue 2 - 20/09/2024THS Newsletter Issue 3 - 27/09/2024THS Newsletter Issue 4 - 04/10/2024THS Newsletter Issue 5 - 11/10/2024THS Newsletter Issue 6 - 18/10/2024THS Newsletter Issue 7 - 24/10/2024THS Newsletter Issue 8 - 08/11/2024THS Newsletter Issue 9 - 15/11/2024THS Newsletter Issue 10 - 22/11/2024THS Newsletter Issue 11 - 29/11/2024 Whole School Digital library (Dec 2024)End of term arrangements Christmas (Nov 2024)Christmas lunch (Nov 2024)WhatsApp Group (Nov 2024)Non uniform day (Nov 2024)Community event (Nov 2024)Rewards survey (Oct 2024)K9 deployment (Oct 2024)DofE information evening (Sep 2024)Start of term (Sep 2024)Return to school arrangements (Jul 2024) YEARS 7, 8 & 9 (KS3) Y7 autumn performance (Dec 2024)KS3 maths workshop 2 (Nov 2024)Y9 Hautbois (Oct 2024)KS3 maths workshop 1 (Sep 2024)Y7 settling in evening (Sep 2024)Y8 police presentation (Sep 2024)Y8 art contribution (Sep 2024)Y8 DT contribution (Sep 2024)Y9 art contribution (Sep 2024)Y7 maths (Sep 2024) YEARS 10 & 11 (KS4) Y10 Macbeth (Oct 2024)Y11 exam contingency days (Oct 2024)Y11 Poetry Live (Sep 2024)Y11 Sixth Form open evening (Sep 2024)Y11 Next Steps (Sep 2024)Y10 art contribution (Sep 2024)Y11 art contribution (Sep 2024)KS4 DT contribution (Sep 2024)KS4 hospitality contribution (Sep 2024)Y10 police assembly (Sep 2024) YEARS 12 & 13 (KS5) Y13 exam contingency days (Oct 2024)Y12 trip to UEA (Sep 2024)Y13 trip to UEA (Sep 2024)Y12 Welcome Evening (Sep 2024)Y12 Welcome Assembly (Sep 2024)